Recruiting Solutions for Salesforce

ExecATS is an out-of-the-box, on-platform Salesforce Accelerator that allows you to independently manage your recruiting process with optimal efficiency so you can allot your candidates the kind of hands-on, white glove service they deserve.

The elegant, comprehensive template included, with all of its available features, is fully customizable as part of your package. Unlike other on-platform solutions, ExecATS is not a managed product with monthly subscription fees determined by user count. Once you own it, ExecATS will scale with your business and is fully customizable to fulfill your growing needs.


With ExecATS, you’ll accelerate your candidate search, boost productivity, and supercharge your recruiting process.

“[With ExecATS] it’s just a much easier process for our temps. Way fewer timesheets that we have to chase down, everything is automated, which has been amazing. I’ll always sing Joe’s praises. Joe is really amazing and he really understood our industry. He has a background in staffing and so he knew kind of exactly the kinds of issues were facing. And even if something I’d say would be new to him, he had enough context to really get there. And Joe, really trained me to use Salesforce on more of the back end side. So I feel very equipped to make changes.” 


Key Components

The ExecATS template provides seamless integration of its robust catalog of features and optional add-ons within a comprehensive yet modular recruiting solution. Through these partnerships on the power of the Salesforce platform, ExecATS provides one of the most customizable and simplest-to-manage recruiting platforms to support your unique, differentiating sales and recruiting processes.



Your Salesforce Certified Consultant will work with you to implement and configure Recruiterbolt, enabling you to import and augment client and candidate contact information into Salesforce quickly and efficiently via a browser extension that connects LinkedIn to Salesforce. Recruiterbolt helps prevent duplicate data and allows users to get the maximum value from their LinkedIn subscription, while seamlessly supporting Sales and Recruiting processes within Salesforce.



ExecATS includes a module for resume parsing based on the most mature, robust parsing solution in the industry. Data parsed from candidate resumes is stored in a logical Salesforce data architecture including candidate details, education, job history and a rich, yet customizable skills taxonomy supporting optimized Search & Match and, if desired, consistently auto-formatted & branded submission profiles via optional document generation utilities.


Kona Search

Working together with your recruiting teams and our partners at Kona Search, we will implement a world-class, performant, scalable Search & Match solution tailored to how you identify the best candidates for the job. This makes candidate identification blazingly fast and supports Salesforce-side automations to optimize submission processes.

FirmWorks Files

FirmWorks Files significantly enhances Salesforce’s native file upload functionality by incorporating structured tagging of files. This allows for bespoke organization for each company and the automation of business processes directly on files. For example, when a Resume tag is applied to a file, it can trigger an automatic resume parsing process. Similarly, uploading a signed Master Service Agreement could automatically update an Account’s status from Prospect to Current Client.

Customizable Workflow




Find and import contacts from LinkedIn.




Update contact records and map them to your skill taxonomy.




Advanced filtering of candidates based on multiple criteria.




Contact management allows a clean format for clients.




Update contact information or submit resumés.




Receive real-time metrics on submission performance.

Are you ready to supercharge your recruiting process?

Request an in-depth demonstration and learn out our modular solution can work to enhance your process. You’ll be able to:


Self-manage your recruiting process with efficiency.


Modular setup lets you customize to only what you need!


Integrate with LinkedIn to quickly find and import top talent.


Click and search any parameter with unbelievable ease.